
We've booked 6711 shows for 155 bands since 1993.
Current Tours:

Robert Bartleson:

at the spine
chris mcfarland

Past Tours:

location: portland, OR
press: AristeiA: You Give Me Strength, You Give Me Patience!
Written by Justin Ray Ross
Mon... more.
  mp3s available
past shows: 11 View
“AristeiA has the power to exalt, or to destroy, wanting only the former, but unafraid to invoke the latter if the comes.”
-Erica Kane

“They are so hip they can make you believe they are ‘high’ on a glass of water.”
-Stephen Hawking

“AristeiA is so quiet sometimes they forget to breathe. They are so damn noisy, an earthquake couldn’t get their attention.”
-John Williams

With two releases in under a year AristeiA is a prolific force of post- rock nature. The EP titled “a light that plugs into the sun” and the full length debut album “You give me strength, you give me patience!” were both met with stellar reviews featured on

Childhood friends and songwriting collaborators Adam Steinfink and Ben Meyercord moved to Portland, Oregon from Dallas, Texas. In November 2005, they joined forces with guitarist Brandon Gordon and drummer Vincent Covarrubias.

AristeiA is influenced by Explosions in they Sky, Queen, Radiohead and Mogwai. They have been compared to Slowdive and Yume Bitsu.

Their live shows are high energy and strangely, beautifully danceable.

AristeiA has played with:
From Monuments To Masses
Desert City Soundtrack
The Everything
Unwed Sailor
We’re From Japan!